The project School- to-School is the first project in Europe focused on supporting the cooperation between local schools, pupils and poor village schools in Tanzania. In this project, Czech children learn to make collective decisions, evaluation, empathy, to help those who need it, and broaden their perspective of the world. The children in Tanzania get valuable help with more quality education. Bez mámy is the operator of this “win-win” project.
Education in Tanzania starts in the kindergartens. Maybe, the word education seems exaggerated when talking about kindergartens but the truth is that Tanzanian children learn to read, write and count even in English at kindergartens . The compulsory education starts at the age of 7 when starting a primary school. At primary school, children usually complete 7 years, at secondary school another 4 years. Although it is compulsory to send children to school, nobody checks it and therefore it is not strictly observed.
All the facilities are very poor. They have not only insufficient education material supplies but also windows and number of desks for pupils. At village schools are lack of teachers and those who stayed are not adequately educated nor they have pedagogical skills. The situation is usually better at private schools, however, their expenses often exceed the real possibilities of ordinary people. There are paid high school fees. At secondary schools, it is interesting that all the subjects except Swahili are taught in English.
The projects at Tanzanian schools are managed by our volunteers who visit each school personally with a local coordinator, they plan and schedule the works and later they check and take photos of the results. When the volunteer is back in the Czech Republic he/she visits the partner school and presents to pupils and teachers finished works, shows them pictures or videos. Photos are available at school so they can create a board. The pupils can see that their help bears fruit and usually they want to continue in the project the next year.